Capgemini and Efma jointly published the World Fintech Report, which concluded that “fintech companies are begin to gain profitability and expand globally”, but data shows that despite the rise of the fintech wave for many years, few of them are already profitable.
Innovation and Technology Become Core Competencies
Continuous innovation has always been the lifeblood of FinTech and, coupled with the rapid technological developments of recent years, is critical to the continued growth of the industry. Innovation has been one of the drivers of continued growth in the FinTech industry and OpixTech’s commitment to frequent innovation has made us one of the leading providers of services related to algorithmic trading and online derivatives trading and information platforms.
By working with multiple liquidity providers, OpixTech provide market-leading trading technology to OpixTrade platform, through data providers whose data is integrated in the OpixTrade platform, which make available to our subscribers.
The analysis of order flow and market maker warehouse volumes allows OpixAlgo to identify the potential for market makers to accumulate or reduce inventory in order to close trades within a high volume price range, allowing us to close trades at the lowest possible cost.
“Previously, fintech was a service available to institutions and the few. And our R&D and legal departments will work together to break this deadlock and work to make the benefits of fintech available to our customers worldwide.” said OpixTech’s Chief Executive Officer.
Fintech brings success
Today, the growth of both internet innovation and technology has opened up new growth spaces for companies, which means that fintech organizations will enter a new phase of development. The bigger the fintech track is, the blue ocean will soon turn into a red ocean, and the competitive pressure will double. Only continuous innovative technologies and fintech products that achieve sustainable profitability can become a leader in fintech.
“Fintech transforms trading” This is more than just a tagline, OpixTech is committed to continually innovating and enabling clients to enjoy the benefits of fintech. Since 2017, OpixTech has worked with over 60 financial institutions, including banks, brokers, ECNs and home offices. OpixTech has a highly qualified team to solve the most advanced problems and develop a wider range of solutions tailored to the investor’s situation.